Saturday, February 13, 2010

Lifes Changes

Lots has changed since my last blogs. My time of waiting and disappointments have come to an end. The time of a new waiting, has come into perspective. I have got the call that can potentially change my life, if it is what I choose it to be. I got into Culinary School. It's amazing, I never thought that I would be in Culinary school. My passion would now be put to test, under extreme teaching, in taking knowledge, and then giving back what's been taught, through the art and science of food. It's going to be a new experience, probably challenging, and most likely very self satisfying.

Also recently, Keith was able to get a job. That is an answer to prayer.
Well it's a short blog, but for those who do read, now you know I'm in cooking school if you haven't heard already.


  1. Praise the Lord that Keith is working now! And praise him too that you get such an amazing chance! Oh I am so excited for what you will experience in culinary school! Miss you lots Kristi...

  2. Congrat's Kristi :) That's exciting about school, it always makes a difference when you actually enjoy what you're learning :)
    ( yes I was blog creeping and found you! )
