Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Year Resolutions

There's no easy way to jump into blogging. So here it goes. It's 2010, and what have I done with my life since graduating in '04. I've worked, travelled, met amazing people, most importantly I met the man of my life. My husband, going strong just over a year and half. Marriage in itself is a whole new world, but it's amazing being married to someone who makes it that way.

As a new year comes so does new year resolutions. I decided that this year I wouldn't make a goal I couldn't keep, or a goal that wouldn't push me. Instead I decided that I'm going to make new years goals hourly, daily, weekly, monthly. For instance, I right now am in the midst of applying to cooking school. I have put off going to cooking school for years, and for irrelevant reasons. I love cooking, I have a passion for cooking. Cooking is the one place I can lose myself. Even mistakes are tasty, where else can that be true. Making a mistake on a test, fatal, making mistakes in sports, those aren't so sweet to swallow. So to reach my first new years goal, I'm labelling it, Potential. I definitely am not reaching all of what I could be. Without cooking school there's only so far I can develop this love, so that's the next step I need to take. I have the support of family, friends, and most of all my Husband Keith. He also benefits from my tasty creations so he is more than in support of.
So my blog might seem like it's a copycat of the newly released movie, " Julie & Julia". I have to admit I'm a little jealous that I didn't think of doing something like this before hand. While watching the movie, I could reason with Julie, how she felt the sense of satisfaction after a successful meal, or her freak outs about minor things, after all we are allowed to have those moments, as long as they don't control us.
I'm not going through Julia Child's book, but instead I'm cooking my way through Jamie Oliver's new cook book called, " Jamie's Food Revolution". I'm not quite as devoted as Julie, however I do plan to cook my way through as many recipes as I can, with no deadline. I have watched Jamie Oliver for years on TV. At first, this love for Jamie Oliver's cooking was probably more so because I had a crush on him. Of course, now I do in fact love his cooking, and my husband loves to bug me about him when I get to see him on TV. My husband also feeds my crush by giving me Jamie Oliver's cookbooks for Christmas, whats a girl to do? So I hope that as you follow my blog that I can inspire you in some way.


  1. you go Kristi... look forward to trying some new recipes you post :)

  2. Very cool Kristi - I can't wait to see how this progresses. Maybe some of us can partake in your "mistakes" along the way??
